Enterprise Value Enhancement

Whereas the triggering event in phase one of the exit planning process was all about assessing the current state of business owner readiness, business readiness, business attractiveness, and planning for value enhancement, phase two is about executing those plans.

"Execution is the great unaddressed issue in the business world today. It's absence is the single biggest obstacle to success"

 - Larry Bossidy & Ram Charon

Relentless Execution is imperative in order to move a business from the starting point to a position of Best-in-Class where we can obtain a superior market multiple for the company value. Relentless execution is characterized by four qualities:

  • Vision
  • Alignment
  • Accountability
  • Rythm

During this phase, we concentrate our efforts on executing the prioritized action plan developed in the first phase. Starting with the De-risking elements of the plan, we execute a series of 90 day sprints in order to keep things on track. During each sprint we have a series of meetings to make sure the teams executing the initiative stays on track.

After each sprint is completed we will conduct a retrospective analysis of the process to improve during the next round of sprints. In this way we develop a rhythm of continuous improvement and accountability.

The role of the Exit Planner at this point is to coordinate, quarterback and be a sounding board for the team members participating in these sprints and for the owner. Team members could consist of external advisors or employees depending on the specifics of the initiative.

This phase can extend for many years if the business owner decides not to sell, but rather to continue to grow the business. The de-risking part of the plan can usually be completed in six months or less. Fees for exit planning during this phase are dependent on the time spent on the projects and are usually set as a monthly retainer for the duration of the projects. Many times this phase starts and stops based on the situation.